May 16, 2023

Friends of Franklin 

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes 

May 16th 6:00pm, Franklin Auditorium 

Board Members in attendance: Mrs. Sasso, DJay Brawner, Vlad Eugene, Jennifer Wagner, Catie Langston, Kellie Forester, Wendy Perez, Mark Freed, Jessica Bodoh-Creed, Sarah Besley, Shoshana SImpson, Mandy Dunlap

Community members and incoming board members. 

1. Childcare opens, mingle, and dinner

2. Called to Order @ 6:18pm

3. Welcome and Announcements - Catie Langston (15 mins)

a. Three Cheers: FNO, Silent Auction, School Tour, Teacher Appreciation

b. Upcoming events

i. Art Show - May 18, 5-7pm. RSVPs required. Volunteers needed. Don’t forget to preregister for the silent auction of classroom art!

ii. Parent Workshop - Supporting your students literacy, May 23 7pm

iii. Roller Skating Party!! June 9, 5-7pm 

iv. Mixto Dine to Donate May 20th and 21st

v. Poker Night - June 3rd 

vi. 5th grade culmination and activities

vii. Senior Walk

 4. Committee Thank Yous (10 mins)

5. Board Business and Principal Announcements (25 mins)

a. VOTE: Approve April Minutes 

Vlad motions to approve minutes, Megan seconded. Minutes are approved by general consent.

b. Treasurer’s Report - Sarah and Ben 

i. Budget vs. Actual 

ii. VOTE: Technology - up to $10,000 for new tech in library

Sarah motions to approve up to $10,000 for new technology in the library. Jennifer seconded. Motion to fund up to $10,000 for new technology in the library has been adopted. 

iii. VOTE: Construction Support Fund - up to $40,000 to support student learning/play, campus safety, and general support of school to mitigate the impacts of construction.

Catie motions to create a construction support fund up to $40,000 to support student learning/play, campus safety and general support of school to mitigate the impacts of construction.  Megan seconds. Discussion occurred. 12 yes votes, 0 no votes, no abstentions. Motion is adopted. 

6. FOF 2023-2024 Board Elections (10 mins)

President Catie Langston and principal Mrs. Sasso tallied ballots. Slate of board members has been approved.

a.School Safety Presentation - Mrs. Sasso 

7. Adjourned at 7:35pm

Sarah motioned to adjourn and Catie seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.  


Vote by email: 5.31.23

Megan Shuham moved  to elect the following FOF executive board slate for the 2023-2024 school year. Kellie Forester seconds the motion.

2023-2024  Executive Board Slate:

Kellie Forester - Co-President 

Megan Shuham- Co-President 

Mark Freed- VP of Committees

Laura Somers- Secretary

Jennifer Flashman- Treasurer

Jennifer Wagner- VP of Communications

Item 2. There is language in our bylaws that stipulates: "Article 6, Section 1A. Directors of the Board must serve for at least one year before running for an Officer position."

Jennifer Flashman has stepped forward to serve as a director for 2023-24 and is new to the board. I move to temporarily suspend Article 6, Section 1A of the bylaws until June 30, 2024 to allow Jennifer Flashman to serve in an Exec Officer role without having satisfied the prerequisite 1 year of service as a director prior to serving as an exec officer. Kellie seconds the motion.


Both motions passed. Confirmed by Catie Langston and Veronica Sasso.

Vote by email: 7.17.24

Kellie Forester motioned to approve the proposed 2023-2024 budget. Megan Shuham seconded. A mandatory vote was called over email. 

Questions were answered and vote time was extended. Motion passed. 

Vote by email: 8.8.23

Kellie Forester motioned to increase the Physical Fitness (Elevo) line item to $28,500. Megan Shuham seconded. Motion passed.

Kellie Forester motioned to increase the Visual Arts (PS Arts) line item to $26,486. Megan Shuham seconded. Motion passed.

Christine Raitt