April 16, 2024

Friends of Franklin

Monthly Board Meeting Agenda

April 16, 2024   6:30pm-7:30pm 

Location: ZOOM

Invited:  Board members, room parents, committee chairs, volunteer committee, all Franklin community members 

In attendance:  Megan S., Kellie, F., Anthony F., Mandy D., Jessica BC., Wendy Perez, Jen F., Mrs. Salazar, Jennifer W., Mark Freed and community members

Called to order at 6:32pm


  1. Three Cheers- Open House, Silent Auction, Classroom Artwork, Franklin Night Out

  2. Vote- Approval of March minutes

Megan moved to approve the March minutes. Jessic Bodoh-Creed seconded. March minutes are approved by general consent. 

  1. Vote- Re-allocate unused funds to the Volunteer Appreciation Committee’s budget for their May 5 picnic–$525 from parent seminars line item

Megan moved to re-allocate the $525 from the parent seminars line item to volunteer appreciation line item. Jen Flashmen seconded. Motion is approved by general consent. 

  1. FOF Board Elections- Current Slate, Vote in person on 5/14

  1. Budget-  Jen 

    1. Donor Tracking Form 

  2. Committee Announcements/Check-ins-  Mark 

    1. Silent Auction- Lauren Morel

    2. School Tour- Megan

    3. Franklin Night Out- Calvin

    4. Dine to Donates- Luciana

e)        Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week- Jessica BC

f)         Little Library- Salazar

g)        STEAM Exploratorium- Wendy

h)        Soccer- Julian/Tony

i)         Family Roller Skating Event- Jessica Freeman/Jean

j)         CARE/Food drive - Liliana

k)        Book Fair- Jessica BC

  1. Community Questions and Ideas (up to 10 minutes)

  2. Adjournment:

Megan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:41. Jen F seconded. Meeting adjourned.

Friends of Franklin